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About Uptide

Hello, since you are here, you are probably someone who spends hours in front of a screen, has tons of programs and tabs on their phone, computer or browser, or you are just looking for a way to be more planned.

You know, using multiple programs means a messier desktop, phones without enough storage, and endless subscriptions. Well, a question for you; Wouldn't it be great if all the programs you use came together in a single application and you could access everything faster and more simply?

In our opinion, it would be great. That's why we developed Uptide.

Uptide aims to offer you a more accessible, faster and simpler system by combining the programs that make your work easier, which you use to be organized and scheduled in your business and daily life, in one place. You create and keep track of notes, files, tasks, and more in one place, without needing any other programs.
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